We are excited to introduce RaasLeela to the mix. RaasLeela is a woman-led brand that shares many of the same beliefs as we do at Matta. They follow sustainable practices - repairing, conserving and consuming less. Every design, material, and process is thoughtfully incorporated. They use raw Kora cotton fabric that is process free, bleach free and dye free.
RaasLeela have a culture where togetherness is celebrated and equality is cherished. Fair wages and ethical production practices are a core tenet. They offer flexible working hours and remote work opportunities for the home-based artisans. And they believe working should be an experience to rejoice and not just a means to earn a living.
Reviving traditional crafts and supporting the exploration of methodologies remains an integral part of their shared vision. Raasleela are among a new wave of Indian design houses to emerge in recent years that we celebrate.
All pieces are hand-stitched and made in India.